Climate emergency - responding to the crisis at hand.

This speech was delivered on the lawns of Parliament House, Canberra, 4th February 2020, at the People's Climate Assembly Rally.

It was inspired by the weekend prior, when I had traveled to Kangaroo Valley to see the destruction wrought by the bushfires. I have no words to convey the pain and trauma of witnessing the endless miles of apparent wasteland. There is a pain deep in my heart and an anger not yet processed.

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Sophie Taylor-Price
Continuing a Legacy - Protecting Antarctica: a Place of Peace and Science.

At my grandfather’s memorial I paid tribute to his legacy as an environmental leader. I celebrated his role in ensuring that Antarctica, the last great wilderness on earth, remains a place dedicated to peace and to science. It is a great honour and privilege to announce this week that I continue in his footsteps in accepting a position on the Board of the Antarctic Science Foundation, a research fund purely dedicated to Antarctic based science.

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Giles Colliver